Thursday, January 26, 2012

"I'm not nervous, I'm excited."

Remember my new year's resolution of "challenging myself more?"  Yeah, me too.  Well, this is a big one for me.  I have a job interview on Saturday afternoon.  Maybe that's not such a big deal, but believe me, I'm feeling the pressure.  This job would be such a blessing, especially in this economy.  Richard's being great about it, saying even if I don't get the job, at least I will have gone on the interview and I'll know I can get through it.  That's important for me.

So why is this a challenge for me? Well, it's been an awfully long time since I was in the workforce.  Add that to the fact that I've been increasingly becoming a homebody, and that's not such a good combination.  But I know that I have it in me to overcome whatever doubts or fears I have.  I have been doing some introspection lately, and I'm not such a fan of what I see.  While I'm a cheerleader for my friends and believe they can do anything, I sort of forgot to include myself in that.  Somewhere along the way, I've become someone who's afraid to try.  That's why I chose that for one of my resolutions. Because that's not who I want to be, not for one more day.  At least if I try, there's a chance of success.  If I don't, there isn't, and I'll never get ahead.  I'm too young to limit myself that way.

So for the next few days, my mantra will be something my dad always tells me when I start feeling those butterflies of self doubt: "I'm not nervous, I'm excited.  I'm not nervous, I'm excited."  And ya know what? I really am.  :)


Cali said...

Go girl!!! Good luck, you'll do awesome!

Richard Burgener said...

You should be excited, love, you're gonna do great! I believe in you more than you'll ever know.

Sounds Nifty said...

Awesome! Good luck.