Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Sugar: Memory Lane Edition

I have the worst cold ever right now.  All I want is comfort.  And I can find comfort in a variety of things: snuggling with Richard, orange juice and frozen yogurt, clean sheets, and so on.  But I also find comfort in reliving parts of my childhood.

At my house, we watch "The Lawrence Welk Show."  My sister and I used to watch this with our grandparents.  It is actually a treasured memory, because now when I watch Lawrence at my house, it takes me back and it's like being with the grandpa I so dearly miss.  I admit I'm not really the target demographic (since a lot of segments are sponsored by Geritol and the people in the audience are usually 60 and older, lol), but one performer on this show has completely stolen my heart: Myron Floren.

Myron plays the accordion, among other things, and he's very talented.  But what really makes him "sugar" is the smile.  The man just always has a smile on his face, and I love that.  Plus, we all know I have an affinity for cute old men.  

We just finished watching the show, and I found that even though we were laughing at the outfits, and some of the songs, the parts that featured Myron were my favorites.  And they always are.  He makes me smile.  He makes me feel close to Grandpa, Grandma, and my sister.  And that brings me more comfort  than all the orange juice and clean sheets in the world. 

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Damn. I ask you.. could you have possibly found a better still of Myron? The grin in full swing and the accordion a ready and raring to go?

I think not. No. Not possible. :)