Yesterday was one of those days that you just treasure and hold onto in your memories for the weeks and months to come. At least for me it was. Nothing overly memorable occured, and yet it was one of the best days I've had in ages.
We woke up and had fruit and sandwiches in our room (because I'm not paying 15 bucks for scrambled eggs), then went down for a walk on the beach. Though the water was definitely on the chilly side, it was so refreshing and just...peaceful. We had incredile luck finding treasures on the shore... Richard found a huge, beautiful shell that still had the sea snail in it. We debated throwing him back, but since he had washed ashore and the ocean was looking pretty angry, we kept it. I found a smaller one like it, but it was empty. That made me happy. We thought about how to get out that sea snail ( a whelk we named Lawrence....get it?) We thought about salting him, or about scraping him out with the plastic cutlery we had bought the night before. Then Richard googled it and found out the best way to get it out is to boil it. That's great and all, but we don't have a stove or a microwave here. Then genius struck. Richard found a use for the coffee pot for the first time ever. We put Lawrence in the sink and poured pot after pot of hot water on him. Finally triumphant, Richard came out and said, "Lawrence, you are the weakest link. Goodbye." That made me laugh like you wouldn't believe.
Then we went walking for a bit around the inn, then got in our horribly ugly rented PT Cruiser and drove into Fernandina Beach. We shopped a little bit and went to dinner at a BBQ place named Sonny's. We loved everything about that place but the waitress. Actually, we haven't had much luck here with friendly people. Nearly everyone we've come into contact with seems pissed off. Wonder if they're just mad about how bad the water smells and tastes. If you've never been here....we don't even want to shower, it smells so gross. I'm probably exaggerating a little bit...but it is nasty.
Anyway, we enjoyed a delicious dinner of ribs and sides, and Richard cracked me up again by looking lovingly at his dinner and saying so sincerely, "God bless the humble pig." That nearly gave me a case of the giggles, but I tried hard to hold it in. I still got a glare from the waitress though. Like I said, she was mean. We even got admonished for asking for a box. Ruh ear.
So really, nothing overly memorable. Just a great day with my feet in the sand and my hand in Richard's, laughing at everything.
So glad you had a great time!
Lol. It's all about the quips, man.
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