Why am I mentioning this in an article of sugar? Well, the one thing I did enjoy in the film was watching Amy Adams. Every time she came on the screen, I expected her to clap her hands and say "Alright everybody, listen up." and break into a happy little working song. Then I realized, hey, she plays such a sweetheart and it makes her super-cute!
Now I'll admit that I haven't really seen her in other films, so maybe she's totally different elsewhere, but at least in Enchanted (that's where the song's from. If you haven't seen it, where have you been? It was the best Disney music in... well... it's probably the best Disney musical ever!) she was freaking adorable.
I think it's just nice to have a star who is famous for being a sweetheart rather than a bitch. I mean, just watching Enchanted makes me feel good and happy and really improves my mood. How many other movies can say that?
So, anyway, she is today's sugar. I only found one pic that I really liked from Enchanted, so here are a couple other pics I found that she looks pretty good in. Enjoy!

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