If you know me well, you know that I have a soft spot for the missing. I'm a member of an online sleuthing committee ( I know how stupid that sounds, but they actually have solved some crimes and brought some people home!), I am following many, many cases of missing children and adults. I know their names, their stories, and what they look like. It is one of my heart's desires to help one of the missing or lost find their way home. Might sound cheesy or stupid, but my heart aches for these people and their families.
One of the cases I've been following is that of Brooke Wilberger. Brooke was 19 when she vanished from an apartment complex in Corvallis, Oregon. We heard about her mostly because at the time she was a student at BYU. It didn't hurt that she was blonde and beautiful (it sucks, but white pretty girls get the most publicity when they go missing). This was five years ago.
Brooke was found today. Well, not found so much as her killer led authorities to her body as part of a plea deal. Yeah, you read that right. He got a freakin' plea deal. He lead them to her remains as part of a deal to avoid a possible death sentence. Anyone see the irony in that?
I'm not going to rant about the death penalty or why this scumbag should be the poster child for it. Mostly I'm just sad for Brooke and her family. I'm glad they have "closure" even if only in the sense that they can give her a proper burial and know where she is. I'm sad that a beautiful life was cut short needlessly. Finally, I'm sad that the justice system seems to be more concerned about killers than for their victims.
How many more of "my" people will they have to find before something changes?
Rest in peace, Brooke. He can't hurt you anymore.
That is so sad, and totally unjust. Maybe he will get his reward in the hereafter.
I appreciate our justice system for all of the good it does, but it has always bothered me as well that those who do the worst things get treated as if they were the victims, while the actual victims did nothing to warrant the brutality they received. Sometimes life just sucks.
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