Friday, July 10, 2009

A pleasant surprise!

Okay, so maybe I was a bit hasty in my last post about the craptastic-ness of banks. Don't get me wrong, they do still suck, but apparently less than I originally surmised.

You see, last night, Lyndsie and I received great news from my dad - Chase worked out something with the original seller which paved the way for us to get this baby done. Today, at just past 1:00 Mountain time, Lyndsie and I signed our names and plotted our initials until our hands were sore (think carpal tunnel, people!). WE CLOSED ON OUR HOUSE!!!!!!!! (Think that's enough exclamation marks? I could always do more...)

Assuming no major catastrophes between now and next week, our loan should fund Monday or Tuesday, and as soon as it's recorded, the house is ours. Can you believe it? After all this time and agony of waiting, it's finally happening for us. If I wasn't exhausted from the stress leading up to this amazing announcement, I'd dance a jig. An honest to Bob jig. I'll even where a lampshade if it helps!

As soon as we take ownership next week, the real work begins. We're going to paint, re-carpet, fix/replace light fixtures and a few other things, and hopefully move in by Lyndsie's birthday. Happy Birthday, Lyndsie!

We will try to keep you posted on how everything unfolds - I'm sure we'll have some sort of house-warming party(ies) in the relatively near future.

Thank you, all of you, for putting up with us during this rough time. I'm certain your prayers and support were essential in getting us to this point. Thank you. Thank you.

1 comment:

The Marvelous Mrs. Miller said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to you both! That is the most exciting news! Can't wait to see the house!!!!!!!