Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

Hi, everyone! Since it's been nearly 2 months since our last update, I thought I'd give in and post something.

First of all....Happy Birthday to our friend Chris!! He's been a great friend to Richard over the years and I appreciate all he's done for both of us. Have a wonderful year, Chris.

Since our last post, we've (mostly) moved into a house in West Valley. It's been a LOT of work, and though we're not even remotely close to being done with everything, it is *so* fabulous having a home of our own! The house itself isn't all that big, but it's a perfect fit for us with some room to grow. Right now we're using the extra bedrooms for other things, such as a craft room, a library, a guest room, and a computer room. The kitchen is sort of old school and Richard is dying to replace the countertop, but that will happen soon enough. He's already put in so much work on this place it's crazy.

We were without TV and internet for about a month. We were both going so crazy without it! It's funny, but now I sort of miss the nights when we didn't have it as a distraction. I kind of felt like I was getting to know him all over again. That being said, if I hadn't been in the shower when the Comcast guy came (for the SEVENTH TIME!), I'd have given him a hug and taken his picture and Comcast Guy That Finally Got Us Online would have been Saturday Night Sugar.

Friday Richard surprised me by telling me we were going to foster two kittens for two weeks. So we named them Rock Hudson and Tony Randall and brought them home. We LOVE them! Tony and I bonded tonight. I'm getting sort of attached. I wonder if this will actually only last for two weeks...they're almost too cute to give up.

Anyway, that's pretty much what's new with us. I promise it won't take 2 months till the next one!

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Well that's reassuring. :)

Was gonna publicly berate you both for not posting but... then I thought "Wow, what I jerk I'd be.." and "They really didn't have internet, so calm down..".. And besides, I couldn't expect you to post from the library-- not with all those little bastards hogging the comps and ditching school.

So.. Glad you guys are back.. And tell no-one, but Rock Hudson is the dude.