Thursday, April 2, 2009

On Our Way Home

Richard and I have finally reached that point where we've started the process of buying a house. We've walked through several, and tonight put in our second offer. The first one is located in West Valley, is somewhat older, and although it needs work and has a smallish kitchen, we both love it. Tonight we put in an offer on one in West Jordan. This house is what Richard calls "California-ish." I'm not quite sure how to explain that, but I totally get what he means.

I'm not sure either of our bids will be accepted, but this whole thing is very exciting for us. I'm torn now between which house I want, because I know we'll be happy with either one. I'm not looking forward to actually moving, but I can't wait to make whatever house we get our home.


Janice said...

Way to go! Buying your first house is super stressful but well worth the stress. Now that you've found one or two in your case, the hardest part is over!

Joshua said...

...hoping for the best. :)

Anonymous said...

Good Luck You guy's, How exciteing! I would like the california style! Ha ha

Jeff and Sarah said...

I would love you be linked to your blog. When I found yours I was so excited to see what's been going on in your life. You're awesome!