So I'm temporarily suspending Saturday Night Sugar. What started out as a way to share the abounding hotness of the opposite sex has become somewhat of a weekly chore. I mean, tonight I nearly picked Robert Goulet. Um...
So, I think I will just post pics of men deserving to be appreciated when the need arises. Not that there aren't about a million deserving guys, but nobody's really jumping out at me right now.
But I'm not going to go out without a bang. This week's Saturday Night Sugar is my husband. Some might say this is only because he posted his Sunday Sugar for the Other Side about me a few weeks back. Well, no. That was sweet, but that had nothing to do with my decision to have him be the final (for now) selection.
Richard is one of the most understanding, empathetic, kindhearted people I've ever known. He tries to help those around him, and he is always there for me when I need him. He's saved me both literally and figuratively... I had quite a scare a few weeks ago when my tire blew on the freeway during a snowstorm. After zigzagging across several lanes and fishtailing in snow, my car stopped just barely enough to the side of the freeway to avoid being hit. I called Richard and he immediately dropped what he was doing at work to come bail me out. I'm so lucky I have someone like him to take care of me like that.
He recognizes when I'm feeling particularly depressed and tries so hard to make me happy. He spoils me rotten with nightly back rubs and daily compliments. He shows his love for me...he doesn't just speak it. I love a million different things about him...little things that all add up. Like the way he always, without fail, will lay down to watch a movie and will have left his drink on the other side of the room. Or how he rarely complains about listening to my music in the car the vast majority of the time. In fact, now he sings along. Or how he'll let me do random things like pluck his chest hairs out one by one. He has endless patience with me (usually).
He tries to make me feel special, loved, worthwhile, and like I make a difference for the better in his life. That means so much more than I can write here. He's fun. He makes me laugh. He's someone I can really talk to. He's definitely someone I can count on. And for those reasons and so many more, he is the real embodiment of Saturday Night Sugar.
I want those blue contacts.....
You're so funny...those aren't colored contacts.
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