Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday Night Sugar

Hello, and welcome to the latest episode of Saturday Night Sugar. Before you get your hopes up too high, no, it's not Jensen Ackles again. Sigh, I know. No, we're currently waiting for Supernatural season 6 to make its way to DVD, so in the meantime, Richard's got me watching one of his old favorites: Stargate: SG1.

I was so not impressed at first. And if I'm honest, it will never be one of my faves (sorry hon), is improving, slowly but surely. And I think a large part of that is because of this week's sugar: Richard Dean Anderson, circa 1997.

You may think to yourself, "Self, I recognize that do I know it?" Well...I only knew him as MacGyver. But he's also the star of Stargate: SG1's not hard to watch the scenes he's in. It was sort of hard to find pictures that convey his "sugarness" because so many were of that awful mullet. These will have to suffice, put I promise...he ain't bad. Give "Stargate" a whirl and you'll know what I mean. :)

1 comment:

Joshua said...

I, Jimmy, approve of this message--

Knowing your preference for the elderly gentleman, it's likely you'll appreciate Richard Dean Anderson in the coming episodes as his hair begins to grey. Enjoy. :)