Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Burgeners Down

So our pal/roomie came home from work a few weeks ago feeling under the weather. Sore throat, a bit of a cough. But he's tough, doesn't stay home from work or anything and braves on through with a few cough drops.

I started coming down with this evil crap over the weekend. Headache. VERY sore throat. Cough. Hurting ears. Nausea. Then Richard started coming down with it. Yeah. We went to the doctor today. We have Strep Throat.

I remember having Strep before, in the sense that I remember being on antibiotics. I did not remember how insanely painful this is! Honestly, I will never again underestimate how much someone with this crap is hurting. The doctor put me on penicillin (Richard opted for a shot in the hip), but he didn't say when to expect the pain to leave. In the last twelve hours, I've had 2 Excedrin Migraine, 2 Extra Strength Excedrin, 3 Aleve, 2 Percocet, about a bajillion halls, some Cepocol, and a partridge in a pear tree.

The percocet was Richie's idea, because he's a genius and remembered I had some left from my surgery. This was after I lost it and had a breakdown complete with tears and some high pitched squeals (my voice is nearly completely gone). I'm still in pain, but hopefully it will be moved to a more manageable level. I know I'm a complete BABY when it comes to pain, but that's the way I was made. Not my fault.

I'm really hoping for sleep tonight. Usually half a dose of Nyquil knocks me out for like a day and a half. I took a full dose last night...and it didn't touch me at all. After waiting nearly 3 hours for it to kick in, I gave up and took a middle-of-the-night-bath. Yeah, the lack of sleep is really helping me out here.

Anyway. I'm done with the pity party. I just feel like kind of a loser, since Josh is being all tough and Richard's hanging in there. So if you can spare any happy thoughts or prayers, I know three sick kids who would appreciate them!


Cali said...

Lots of happy thoughts! I'm sorry, strep is seriously NO FUN AT ALL!! I hope you feel better really really soon.

Richard Burgener said...

Baby, I'm so sorry for your misery. It seems like the percocet has wiped you out pretty good so you're finally getting some sleep and comfort. I'm here for you, sweetheart, through all the rough times.

Tamara said...

I'm so sorry that you guys are sick. Strep sucks!!! I wish I could help you out, but we've had a stomach bug over here. That's one more thing you don't want. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I love you guys!

Joshua said...

Your pal/room, JDawg McSickypants approves of this message, and sends "Duh, sickness, no-one likes you, get outta here" nice thoughts your way. You brave soul.

Joshua said...

*Looking at the bottom-most comment*

*cough Lame Asian blog hackers. Is there anything more futile? cough*

Oh, hiya, Lynds. :)

Joshua said...

*Looks up* Why yes. There is something more futile. Imagine that. Who knew. More is not necessarily better in this case. Take the hint, fools.