Friday, April 2, 2010

SNS: Supernatural Sugar

So I know I've been a total slacker when it comes to the blog, especially with the Saturday Night Sugar. To prove my sincere sorriness, I give unto you Jensen Ackles.

Waaaaaay back in the day, I was hooked on "Days of our Lives." Lame-o with lame sauce, I know. Jensen was on DooL, as Eric Brady. And you know what? He did *nothing* for me. Not even a little. But now he's on a show called "Supernatural." It's currently our favorite show for late night right now. We check out the DVDs from the library and watch at least one episode together before bed. And Jensen? Yeah, he's the best part. You should give it a whirl. He's hot. And the show's pretty great too.


Joshua said...

On behalf of your faithful readers, thank you for acknowledging your tardiness with regard to entries. It means alot to us that you care.

And in other news, "lame-o with lame sauce"..Yeah..that definitely wins.

With Much Gratitude;
Your Pal,

Cali said...

Ooooh, pretty.