I'm glad to say that my surgery was successful. I haven't choked since the day before I went in, and it is such a relief to not worry that every bite will lead me back into the ER. However, it hasn't been all lollipops and rainbows since then.
Shortly after the surgery, I was plagued with headaches, mostly on the right side of my head. Then the headaches got worse and moved down into my face. Then not just my head and face hurt, but I had horrible toothaches and my jaw bones hurt. Then it moved into my ears. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat; it felt like I was surviving thanks to hot baths and Excedrin. Turns out it was because of the medicine for my hiatal hernia. Which was really too bad, because my stomach was feeling great!
But thanks to getting off that medicine and a wonderful priesthood blessing, I got to feeling waaaay better. Since then, my head has more or less been behaving itself. My teeth are back to being good boys and girls, and I'm beginning to feel more like myself. Now I just have to get my oomph back and get back to Wii Fit and my exercise DVD, because I have been seriously slacking since feeling like crap.
But I'm not the only one dealing with health issues. My poor Richard had to go in for a sleep study because he just cannot sleep. Or, more accurately, when he does sleep, he doesn't get the rest he needs. He's been trying so hard to do what he needs to do, both at work and at home, but I know it's a heavy weight on his shoulders. Although he does have sleep apnea, the doctor doesn't seem to think it's serious enough to warrant prescribing Richard a CPAP machine...which is basically the best thing to help. We're both feeling frustrated and a bit down about this, because Richard needs the help. That much is clear. And I don't like seeing him like this. You know how when you don't get enough rest how everything is just so much more overwhelming? Try going months without it. We have a follow-up appointment though, so then we'll see.
In fun news, we spent Valentines Weekend in Las Vegas. We went to our favorite hotel, South Point, and just did everything we wanted when we wanted. We bowled, we played, we lost some money, we talked a lot, and we ate fabulous food. I think we would both say one of the best parts was laying out in the sun by the pool. It was about 68 degrees and beautiful. Laying on the chairs with the sun shining down on us was exactly what we needed. The pool was a lot on the cold side, but the hot tub was nice. It was so nice to just see him so happy and relaxed.
I cannot wait to see him in Florida...on the beach...in 80 degree weather...I'm so glad that's only about a month and a half away.
Oh that all sounds terrible! I'm so sorry! I am so glad you got to get away for the weekend though. Vegas is the best for that!
Updating is great, don't you think? :)
Oh, and I'm happy for most of this, but a little sad on the CPAP--but hopefully his doc will be smart and allow it.
kay bye. :)
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