Now I know what you're thinking, what could the daughter of Ozzy Osbourne possibly bring to the sugar table? I'll tell you, as I searched the Internet for good pictures of her, I found numerous reasons I should abandon this quest and find another sugar.
But then I remembered her on Dancing With the Stars, which Lyndsie and I have taken to watching almost religiously. And you know what? When she's good, she's really good. It's not just her dancing that has made her intriguing, it's the sweet spirit she seems to exude on the show. The other ladies (those left and many who started) are the exact opposite, pretty much jumping up and down and shouting "look at me, look at me" (I'm looking at you, future Playboy model with an IQ smaller than my shoe size and the personality of a fungus).
I digress. She seems so vulnerable, so innocent, so sincere (think 'It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown' sincere) that I can't help but want her to return week after week. I know, I would never have imagined myself saying this, but I really enjoy watching her dance. What's more, in stark contrast to the other Internet pics of her (I assume from that reality show or something), she has turned into a most beautiful lady. She's become graceful and elegant, and when she flashes her excited smile, it melts even my stony heart.
Here's one more pic of her looking fabulous for the road, but let's all vote for her to stick around, okay? She deserves it!

Glad to see you find beauty in what the world would not necessarily call "beautiful." I may not agree that last picture is foxy, but kudos to you.
Must agree and throw a thumbs up in your direction. She was just as repulsive as it gets back in the day with the two toned hair, the freaky clothing, and the overrated potty mouth..
But these days..she's a cutie.
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