Way back in the day, my sister and I looooved the New Kids on the Block. We had the tapes, the t-shirts, even stickers of the boys. But then they broke up, and NKOTB were no more. :(
But hooray for this year! They reunited, and they came to Salt Lake City! And, the best part...this time my sister and I were there. Oh yes, we even had our seats upgraded to second row of the lower bowl. I thought Jaymie (my fab sister and proud New Kids fan) was going to plotz, she was so happy (no, I really don't know exactly what it means for one to plotz, but I have an idea).
Since I wasn't cool enough to bring my camera, I had to use the one on my phone. I'm mad because the best picture I got of the night was of some person dressed like a pickle handing out coupons before the show. Why take a picture of that, you ask? Yeah, I don't know. I was living in the moment. Thankfully, Jaymie took pictures, so the pictures that grace this post are from her.
The show started out with Lady Gaga. I don't know what that is. Jaymie called her a "whore on wheels." The Deseret News concert review said she "pranced about in her underwear and tried to be the next Gwen Stefani." They're both right. She sucked. We were glad when her 10 minutes(!) were up.
On to Natasha Bedingfield. Even if you don't think you know who she is, you do. You know that super annoying "feel the rain on your skin" song? Yeah, that's her. She was surprisingly good, though, especially after Lady Gaga. Coincidence? I think not.
Finally...."our boys," as Jaymie and I took to calling them, came out. For over two hours they sang, danced, gyrated, and made the ladies scream. We had so much fun. Oh, and the years have been kind to a few of them. Sorry, Danny....you still don't cut it. But the break dancing was great. So, way to go, Champ.
All in all, it was a great night. Apparently they will be coming back to SLC in the future, so I'm sure Jaymie and I will be going again. And you can bet this time I'm going to get pictures of something other than a freakin pickle.
NKOTB?!? I'm so jealous~ I used to collect their gum (they were shaped like records and tapes back then). Sounds like you had tons of fun- and I understand about the pickle guy: somethings you just have to be there for.
Where is the pickle pic? C'mon people need to know the difference between a boy and girl pickle. Really, the clown with the pickle said there was a difference, I'm still not convinced. Anyway, the show was great, I'm still plotzing. (Whatever that is!?) And I have an amazing sister!! What more can you ask for in one incredible night!
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